Friday 27 April 2012

Make your Start-up successful

Hello friends this is really need to understand that how can you make your start-up successful

  1. Work as a boss
  2. always take follow-up 
  3. Assign task 
  4. Assign Deadline 
  5. Work in a Team 
  6. Always seat with your Team 
If you Know these things and always follow these then i am sure you can make your start-up success

What i saw in my life founder of start-up are always working with good  sprite in starting but after some time they always trying to avoid work or assign there work to other . I don't think this is really good . Employee always trying to avoid work if they  get salary for no work then  he/she always be happy .

So , its very necessary to assign work with dead line

To become Good Boss or Successful business man always keep these 10 things in your mind

  1. Good Listener : Always listen every one 
  2. Stop Blaming : Don't blame any one or finger out to your employees
  3. Get there hand Dirty: Help your employees to finish there job before dead line 
  4. Mentor : Become good mentor of your employees
  5. Communication : Good communication skills 
  6. Good Moral : Should have good moral
  7. Provide Resources : Always provide good resources to your employees or customer 
  8. Know what's going on :Always keep eyes on your team and work .
  9. Recognize employees: Selects good one.
  10. Understanding : good understanding 
These are few points that i know and i noticed 
now its your turn find out how much qualities you have and where you stand and in future how can u improve your self :)


Tuesday 24 April 2012

Why we are running behind money

Hello friends one think that i really don't know that why every one run behind money if there is lot of thinking in life to do .lot of thinks we can do for our family but still we are running behind it . Its really an facts of life that we never accept .What do you think about it its true or false ?.

Are you running behind it?
if yes can you tell me why ?
if no then why not ?

One thing that i know we can buy many things with money that why we all are running behind it but don't you think that we don't have time for our family ,,parents.

Are we happy with that , because of time there is always fight in family with wife parents etc...

That's why we love our childhood at that time we are not running behind money and that time we are very happy because in past or in childhood we never gave value to money we are happy with family, parents and with friends .

Just because of money now we don't have time for any one

If you think i am wrong any where or my thinking is wrong then please go for comments

Hope you like this article after long time i wrote my views or  keept my feelings in words

Thanks & Regards

Friday 13 April 2012

What Women Think About Bodybuilders

What woman doesn’t like a muscular man? Buff arms, a broad chest and strong shoulders make women feel protected and secure. Guys aren’t doing set after set of crunches 'cause it’s fun; they know how much ladies love six-pack abs. But there’s a fine line between sexy and skanky. Bodybuilders take a step (or five) too far by bulking up way beyond any normal standards. By morphing their bodies into exaggerated -- some might even say grotesque -- shapes, they successfully manage to gross out women everywhere. I don't know where men got the idea that bodybuilding is hot, but, trust me, it's not.

We're confused by your bizarre bodily proportions
Bodybuilders tend to have gigantic shoulders stacked on top of tiny little waists. We understand that many men love the idea of a woman with extra-large breasts and a pinched waist, but the aesthetic does not translate well across the sexes. On a man, the shape borders on monstrosity. Yes, broad shoulders on a guy are an absolute turn-on, but broad shoulders are not the same as colossal monstrous shoulders. It’s all about proportion.

We love concern, but not obsession, about appearance
Looking good will no doubt win you points with the ladies. But obsessing about your appearance and asking your lady if you’re big enough is not attractive. Make sure you’re in shape, your threads are cute, you smell good, and your hair is combed. These are the hallmarks of someone who cares about his appearance but isn’t consumed by it.

Smooth skin is sexy, rippled skin not so much
There’s nothing like rubbing your hands all over your man. But if he’s vein-y, ripply and bulging, it’s easy to get turned off. Toned arms and a taut chest are delicious to touch, but vein-y skin is not. The only thing we should be feeling besides skin is hair, not veins.

We love your skin! Don't paint it!
Lightly bronzed is sexy; looking like you’re developing skin cancer is not. Overly tanned skin ages and looks saggy earlier than unexposed skin. Do yourself a favor and skip the George Hamilton look for a fresh, natural skin tone.

Yes, women like a man who looks good and takes care of himself. But just like men don’t like a woman who looks botoxed and slathered in makeup with triple F boobs, a woman doesn’t like a man who looks like he spends 10 hours a day starting at himself in the gym mirror. Excessive vanity is not an attractive trait on anyone -- male or female. Do yourself a favor and skip the extra hour at the gym and get outside and enjoy your life instead.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Why women do cruel things to men

1. They don't pick up the phone
While men feel good as they manage to take the girls' phone number, the girls often give them a fake number or don't pick up the call.

 2. Use men for free drinks
Some women go out never planning to spend any of their own money on drinks at the bar or club. Instead, they count on their feminine wiles to convince guys to shell out for their libations. While some of them might begin to get to know him, the cruel and heartless ones will take that drink, flirt a little and move on.

 3. Use men as placeholders
 If she is a decent person, she'll just get it over with and dump the boy, but if she's cruel, she'll hold on to him for a while until somebody new comes along. These girls don't like to be alone and without a relationship, so instead of putting you out of your misery and ending it, she'll string you along until she meets someone to replace you.

 4. Emotionally manipulate men
 Men don't like to see women cry and some cruel women take advantage of the fact and use it to get what they want. A few tears would make men do anything to get it to stop.

 5. Use physical violence
While men hitting girls are often termed nasty, some cruel women feel it's perfectly acceptable to hit their boyfriends, as he would never hit her back. This type of woman feels like she can inflict any kind physical pain on him without fear of repercussion.

 6. Criticize their men in public
Cruel women criticize and humiliate their men in public places. They often poke fun at her man or even soundly debase him.
7. They don't disclose their relationship status
  It's certainly not the worst thing a woman could do to a man, but it is annoying when she's already in a relationship and lets you assume that she's available so that she can enjoy the man's flirtation and flattery.

 8. They withhold sex
 This is a time-tested, and frequently used, cruel thing for women to do to men. For most men, sex is as important as breathing, so withholding it in order to get something she wants or simply to punish her man for his transgressions is a pretty awful thing to do, even if it is effective.

 9. They test their men
You're all ready to go for a night out with your friends, when your girlfriend calls and asks you to change your plans to be with her instead. She doesn't have any particular reason; she just wants to see you. She knows that you had plans to meet up with the guys, but if you really loved her, you'd come over to her place instead. If her request comes with an "if you really loved me," then it's a test. If you choose anything other than immediately rushing to her side, you're going to fail. This kind of testing in a relationship is indeed cruel and petty.

10. They flirt to inspire jealousy
Maybe she's feeling underappreciated, maybe you've just had a big fight or maybe she just enjoys the tortured look on your face. For whatever reason, girls who flirt obviously with other guys in front of their boyfriends are immature and manipulative.