Saturday 25 February 2012

Actions Speaks Louder Then Words

It’s often said that actions speak louder than words — and this rings especially true when it comes to body language. As a non-verbal form of communication, body language can be a powerful tool, as you can use it to put people at ease, make friends, or even persuade people to do things for you.
Being able to read body language can also allow you to detect things such attraction, truth, confidence and shyness.

You can read body language by carefully watching the facial expressions, hand gestures, posture, and other movements made by another person. All of us — whether we realize it or not — use body language in our everyday lives. With this in mind, here the team have selected a few common body language behaviors and gestures, and given the common interpretations of their possible meanings — which will help to make you fluent in the art of reading body language!

Eye contact
A failure to look someone in the eyes or rapidly shifting eye movements can often be interpreted as trying to hide something or lying. It can also be a sign of shyness or lack of confidence.

Smiling can demonstrate confidence, friendliness, and a positive attitude, and also gives the impression that you’re someone that people would want to be around. On the other hand, a ‘nervous’ or ‘false’ smile can demonstrate the opposite.

Attention span
Often you can tell what a person is like by noticing their attention span. For example, if someone quickly loses focus and clearly is not listening then this makes them appear disinterested, bored, and possibly even uncaring — whereas a longer attention span is likely to indicate more interest.

Head shaking or nodding
Frequently, without realizing they are doing it, people nod or shake their head to signal whether they are in agreement or not. You can give your approval to someone just with a nod of the head, and your disapproval either by not nodding or by shaking your head.

Touching another person during social interaction, if done appropriately, can convey a strong message to them. For example, it can be used in a flirtatious manner to show romantic interest, or can simply be a way of calming or reassuring someone.

Arms folded/legs crossed
This can be seen as a defensive posture or can signal that the conversation is at an end as far as that person is concerned. Sitting tightly folded up indicates that you are closed to communication, as your crossed limbs effectively form a physical barrier to keep other people away from you.

Standing with hands on hips
This demonstrates a readiness to act in a situation, or can even indicate aggression. It is not the most welcoming of gestures and you may often see it displayed by teenagers wishing to show their defiance.

You can tell a lot from a handshake. A firm handshake is usually given by a person who is confident of themselves, while a limp handshake is usually given by nervous, shy, or insecure people. Also, watch out for the ‘hand crusher’ given by someone trying to intimidate you!

Sitting with legs crossed/legs apart
People frequently sit with their legs crossed, often with one or both feet kicking slightly, and this can be seen as a sign of boredom or impatience. Sitting in a position with your legs apart shows that you’re more relaxed and open.

Touching the nose
Touching or rubbing your nose can often be seen as a sign of doubt or a signal that you’re lying. Pinching the bridge of your nose, which you’ll often do with your eyes closed, can often be seen as a negative response to something you have just done for another person.

Rubbing hands
We’re all familiar with the old ‘rubbing the hands in anticipation’ thing. It’s usually something that we tend to do when we’re awaiting the arrival of something that we are really looking forward to!

Open palm
An open palm gesture is often one of sincerity, openness, or innocence. For example, if you truthfully say ‘It wasn’t me’ or ‘I haven’t done anything’, you’ll probably also use an open palm gesture.

Tapping fingers
Tapping or drumming fingers on a surface such as a table or desk is a sure-fire way of letting someone know you are bored. It displays a degree of impatience in a given situation, and is often our way of telling someone else to get a move on!

Playing with hair
Patting or fondling hair often indicates insecurity or a lack of self-confidence. Certainly, people who are nervous will frequently do it. Try watching an interview with a young sportsperson who is new to being interviewed, and you’ll see what we mean.

Tilted head
When a person tilts their head to one side, it’s often because they’re interested in something. We probably most commonly notice it with dogs, which quite clearly tilt their head when something takes their interest — but we do it to a lesser degree too.

Leaning forward
When you lean forward — either when you’re sitting down or standing up — you are indicating that you’re interested in something. In other words, an interested listener leans toward the speaker. Conversely, leaning away is a clear sign of disinterest.

Biting nails
Biting your nails is invariably an indication of nervousness or insecurity. People often refer to ‘nail-biting moments’ when watching sports matches or films — in other words, moments that are very tense and cause viewers to be nervous.

Pacing the floor
Nervousness can also be displayed by someone’s inability to stay still. A person can be up and down and pacing about, and many of us will interpret this as them being nervous or tense. For example, if you see someone waiting for an impending birth, don’t be surprised to see them wearing out their shoe leather!

Interpreting body language
Although some behavior and gestures have clear-cut meanings, reading people’s body language is not always an exact science because some actions can have multiple meanings. For example, if you fold your arms it doesn’t necessarily mean you are being defensive — you could just be physically cold!

Our advice is not to get in to a habit of scrutinizing your and everyone else movements and gestures for hidden meaning. However, if a person uses several behaviors or gestures at the same time (such as biting their nails and pacing) that have the same common interpretation (nervousness), then this is a good indicator of how they are feeling at a given time.

Top Ways To Flirt Well

Even if you think you’re a great flirt, that view may not be shared by others — so you could still do yourself a favor by checking out tips on how to flirt ... successfully.
You either think you have it or you don’t — that ability and confidence to interact successfully with those whose attention you are potentially vying for. Flirting is that method of letting people know that you’re available or interested in them — although of course there are plenty of people out there who like to engage in some outrageous flirting who may be far from available!

Flirting, if done properly, is often the way in which you send signals (hopefully the right ones) to a potential partner. Even if you think you’re a great flirt, that view may not be shared by others — so you could still do yourself a favor by checking out tips on how to flirt successfully!

The right mood
One of the most important aspects of successful flirting is being in the right mood. There’s little use forcing the issue if you’re not really in the mood for engaging someone in conversation. A good flirt will feel good about him or herself, have a general sense of fun about them, and have a healthy curiosity about people. Only when you feel good about yourself can you pass this energy onto others!

If you’re going to flirt, there’s no point being a complete phoney about it. Okay, you will feel the need to make a good impression, which may cause you to be phoney — but people will easily see through someone who is being fake. Be sincere if you are paying compliments to someone, as it makes it so much easier for them to believe you and for you to act more naturally. Also, try listening to show you are interested in them, rather than just using them to talk at.

A smile is one of the basic ways of conveying positivity to someone. A smile costs nothing and shows instantly that you are warm person and quite possibly genuinely interested in the other person. Your smile will suggest that for one special moment the recipient of your smile is the focus of your attention. People who very rarely offer a smile are likely to be least successful when it comes to the flirting stakes.

Body language
Body language is one of the obvious ways in which we convey an interest to one another — although reading that body language is sometimes akin to trying to follow a foreign language! You should certainly try to use expressive and positive body language where appropriate, though, as it can be a far more effective method of communication than speaking. Also, a touch on an arm or leg can say more than a thousand words — although it’s important to get the balance right so as not to send the wrong signals.

Eye contact
People who lack confidence will have great difficulty in making direct eye contact with another person and holding that gaze. We’re not talking about overly staring at someone because that will quite rightly freak them out — but holding your gaze for a just a second or two longer than you normally would shows another person that you are interested and a confident person.

Don’t appear desperate
Some people approach a situation with a ‘success or failure’ mentality. If you focus too much on getting a ‘result’, then you may just come across as desperate. Why not just concentrate on engaging on someone in conversation and seeing what you can do for them to make them feel good about themselves? Putting someone first rather than concentrating solely on making a good impression will actually mean you make a better impression!

Have a go!
Being scared to put your flirting techniques to the test means that you have failed before you’ve even started. So, get out there and have a go! Also, don’t take rejection hard, but think about what you could do differently next time. Consider that it might not be your technique that has failed, but instead that it was just wrong for that person. People often give up when they don’t get immediate results — but instead of doing this, you should look upon things as a learning experience and have another go.

Be aware
Not everyone flirts because they are attempting to pick someone up. Some people like to flirt by way of just being friendly, and others do so because they are seeking attention. On the other hand, some people may find flirtation to be unwanted, and won’t welcome your attention. If you’re not sure about this, ask friends for advice, as they can often be the best at telling you when your behavior is too over-the-top and likely to be misconstrued.

Avoid cheesy lines
There’s always the temptation to come up with the killer chat-up line, but these very rarely work and usually have the opposite effect! Most people will have heard the tired and worn chat-up cliches before, so they won’t do you any real favors. Just being natural — maybe even by starting with a simple ‘hello’ and a smile — can elicit a different response to the reaction a worn-out cheesy chat-up line would get.

Give off the right vibes
It’s not much use sitting there with a group of friends waiting for that special one to find you. Make sure you look friendly and give the other person the opportunity to approach you by separating yourself from your friends occasionally. After all, it’s going to take one very bold person to approach you at the risk of being turned down in front of a group! Also, try asking friends what type of vibes they think you give out.

Make the first move
The traditional view used to be that it was the man who always made the first move, but many women now make the first move instead. As scary as it can be to make the first move, just think how flattering it can be for the other person. From time to time, there’s no reason why you can’t be the one to initiate a conversation. Just think how many opportunities you might be missing out on just because you fail to be bold enough!

Reject people in a gracious manner
Even if someone is not your type, there’s no need to reject them in a savage way. In fact, if you do that, then it’s likely that other people around may pick up on your ‘attitude’ and be less likely to approach someone they view as ‘full of themselves’. You should view being approached by someone as a compliment and have the grace to reject them in a charming manner.

Personal space
We’ve probably all come across people before who make us feel uncomfortable because they are in our ‘personal space’ — and some of these people may not even be aware they are doing it. Sometimes people can be just a little too close for comfort and you naturally want to back off from them — so it pays to be aware of people’s reactions to your closeness, so that you don’t put them off with an overly invasive move.

Get flirting
Being a successful flirt often comes from learning experiences — and you will almost always find out what techniques are successful by simply practicing your flirting with people. Flirting is really a case of being confident, not taking rejection too hard, and being genuinely interested in the other person. Often just being a good listener can be more appealing than someone who just likes the sound of their own voice! Enjoy your flirting!

Friday 24 February 2012

Tips for Dating Rich Girl

Dating can become slightly demanding if you are dating somebody beyond your means.

This necessarily doesn’t mean that you are not worthy of dating rich girls. I am just trying to suggest that a girl clearly packing more moolah than you might present some issues. The following tips are engineered towards helping you in such a scenario:

Don’t Try To Impress Her With Materialistic Things
It is obvious that she doesn’t depend upon you for her shopping or other lifestyle needs. She might be doing well in her job or might have too much of daddy’s money. Either way, she cannot be impressed with expensive gifts. Trying to do so will only hurt you more as she might not value such gifts. Don’t try to show-off brands that usually tend to impress people. Yes, you still need to maintain a polished appearance but don’t brag about your latest purchases as such things are not going to impress her.

Be Yourself
Some girls might be impressed with an artificial sense of urban fashionability that you might have developed. However, rich girls are more likely to date somebody whom they find original or creative. The more you give her a glimpse of your comparatively simpler life, more are the chances of her taking a keen interest in you. This is something parallel to having some mystique about you without even trying for it! Just dump the aura of being something you are not and discover how easy it is to attract richer brats with your originality.

Don’t Get Obsessed or Insecure About Her Riches
Just because she has more money to spend, it doesn’t mean that you are not worthy of dating her. Her financial superiority doesn’t reflect upon you as a prospective boyfriend in any way. Don’t let this issue bother you. Don’t tell her sob stories about how you would have been richer if certain things in your past life would have worked better. Don’t feel insecure about it and most importantly, don’t make the obvious comparisons in her presence. This is only going to erode your quotient of self–confidence. This is something you can ill afford when dating a rich girl who is essentially attracted to your persona. Don’t ask her about her bank balance or play stupid games where you try to guess the amount of wealth she has or the kind of riches she is going to inherit.

Become Her Confidante
Everybody needs somebody to confide about the darker aspects of life. One way of ensuring that your lower bank balance doesn’t bother her is to become her confidante. Become her guiding soul, her counselor. Encourage her to share things with you that she has never spoken about until now. Try to untangle her out of difficult situations. You have to become her go-to-friend if you plan to keep her as your girlfriend for a long time.

Don’t Be Shy Of Using Her Stuff
If she has the bigger car, the more feature-packed laptop or anything else that she wants to carry along when you two are on a date, don’t bother. To the more proud member of our species, this might prick their ego. However, you need to understand that it is about being sensible also. If she is used to a certain way of life and is ready to be honest about it, don’t fret. Similarly, if she wants to pitch-in with the bill every time you guys visit an eating place you usually wouldn’t dare enter, don’t hesitate.

Thursday 23 February 2012

You Ever Said These Romantic Things To Your Girl Friend

Gentlemen, how many times you’ve found yourself with the right girl,

wrapped in one another’s arms to create the right moment but have been lost for words? Words that could melt her heart and do justice to the roller-coaster of love you’re feeling within you?

Well, you can avoid yourself the embarrassment by reading up these tips on the Most Romantic Things to Say to YOUR Girl.

You’re smile can brighten up the most dullest of days
Being Romantic in other words means showering her with compliments. Praising her hairstyle, getting mesmerized by her eyes and being bamboozled by her smile. When you want to lighten up her mood simply gush about her beauty and she’ll wrap you in her arms sooner than you could wish for a hug.

You look pretty without any make-up, just the way you are
Every woman is beautiful in her way. And she loves nothing more than being told so; especially by her man. When you see her next, admire her face, look deep into her eyes and say with all your heart how beautiful you think she is.

I love what I become when I am with you
Very few things can brighten a girl up as much as her knowing that she has a positive and great impact on your life and your being. Let her in on how she is an indispensable part of your life and that you are the best you will ever be thanks to her.

You complete me
Tom Cruise had all the women in the world go ‘awwww’ when he said these words to a demure Renee Zellweger. Though cliched, ‘You complete me’ is the most wholesome and lovable thing you can tell your woman. It will melt her anger away in a jiffy and forgiveness shall be dispensed without further ado.

You are my companion, confidante, love and life
Simple, yet honest is always effective. Telling her that she is everything and anything you could ever ask for is the most wonderful way to get her to believe in your love for her.

Monday 20 February 2012

Do You Know How Can You Raise Your Testosterone Level

If U lack the energy then this is something U wouldn’t wanna miss and even if ur sex life is rocking, it won’t be a bad idea to know few effective ways of gaining more sexual stamina and energy.

Besides making ur life blissful in bed, new research studies have concluded that low ‘T’ or testosterone levels can potentially increase the risk of prostate cancer, heart disease, and other fatal diseases. The idea is to increase ur T levels so that U can have a healthy sex life while also reducing the risks of various life threatening diseases. Not always easy to attain, but the rewards are plentiful.

1. Get Good Abs
The level of testosterone in ur body is inversely proportional to ur waist size. This means that an increase in ur waistline will decrease the T levels in ur body. Abs not only look impressive but also help in increasing the T levels in ur body. Thus, keep a check on ur diet and workout to achieve a slim waistline and perfect abs.

2. Build Biceps
A recently conducted study suggest that men who lifted weights on a regular basis have 49% chance of boosting their free testosterone levels. As U strengthen ur muscles, the amount of testosterone ur body produces increases, therefore, the idea is to workout regularly to build biceps and to gain more sexual stamina and energy.

3. Eat Some Fat
Excluding fat from ur diet to achieve the all desired lean and mean body is something everyone is trying out for. Wait a minute and read this! A recent study revealed that men who consumed the most fat also had the highest T levels. Well, U wouldn’t wanna get fat and add other potential health risks associated with fat and obesity in order to spice up ur sex life. But what U can do is to start consuming food like nuts and fish that is high in monounsaturated fats.

4. Stay Away From The Home Bar
Happy hours at the bar are not so happy for ur T levels. Same goes for ur daily drinking session at homes. A recent study suggested that moderate drinkers who drank daily for 3 weeks experienced a drop of approximately 7% in their T levels. Therefore, switching from being a regular drinker to a social one is not all that bad.

5. Remain Stress free
Be it mental or physical stress, it can easily hamper the percentage of T levels in ur system. As stress causes cortisol to surge, this in return reduces the body’s ability to make testosterone. Therefore, U must do whatever it takes to remain as stress free as U can. Cardio and yoga are well known ways of reducing ur stress levels. Be careful of not overdoing physical activities that can potentially cause injuries, as injuries and fatigue are more likely to lower ur T levels than raising it.

Know Everything About Contraception

First know what is "Contraception" is simply the effort of preventing the sperm cell from fertilizing the female egg, while the bigger picture is, staid though the term might be, 'family planning.'
Curiouser and Curiouser

First let's eliminate the stork and get our facts straight; birth control is what we are talking about. 'Birth control' is the action of deliberately preventing or reducing the chances of childbirth through any method, device or medication.'

The history of birth control began when humans discovered that sex is connected with pregnancy. The most immediate remedy was came to be known as the 'withdrawal' method, where the penis is removed from the vagina before ejaculation. However, given the hot-blooded Ferrari on a drag strip kind of self-control that most men have during sex, this method was kinda miserable at keeping the population down.

Despite popular belief, recent research has shown that pr-ejaculation seminal fluid does not contain sperm and does not cause pregnancy.

The other old favorite, the 'rhythm' method prescribes not having sex during ovulation. Unfortunately, no one knew exactly which days were safe until 1930.

Certain other methods involved a jerking motion with the intent of rerouting or dislodging the sperm. One such intrepid Greek physician called Soranus (AD 98-138) suggested that Greek women jump backward seven times after intercourse. We at MensXP wondered how much the poor gentleman's name is reflective on his mental state. Besides the fact that ancient Greeks even officially supported homosexuality as a population control tactic, there was no particular sexual practice or activity - not masturbation nor abortion nor homosexuality - that especially worried the ancient Greeks or Romans.

Past practices proved that it was more effective to simply stop the sperm cells dead in their tracks. Barriers were used to prevent the sperm from getting to the egg. Sea sponges made of soft wool soaked in vinegar or lemon juice to create a spermicide. Even half a lemon was placed inside the vagina. History records Egyptian women using a pessary (like a thingy that is inserted into the body to deliver a drug to various body openings) made of acidic substances and coated with honey or oil. Strangely, these practices held sway much before the discovery of the sperm cell. Sperm cells were only discovered when Anton van Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope in the late 17th century. Other substances used included oiled paper by Asian women and beeswax by European women.
The first modern pessary was developed by German gynecologist Grafenberg from gut and silver wire in 1920. In 1965, women wore polyethylene pessaries but they had to be pregnant once before they could wear one. In the 1970s, copper pessaries were in vogue.


Again, the first recorded cases of spermicide date back to 1850 BC, including the infamous crocodile dung used by Egyptian women, besides irrigating the vagina with honey and soda bicarbonate. These contraceptives killed or slowed the sperm down before reaching the egg.

An ancient Egyptian manuscript called the Ebers Papyrus dating back to 1500 BC suggests dates mixed with bark of the acacia tree and honey be mixed into a paste used. The sugary paste would ferment into lactic acid, which is medically known to be a spermicide. Lactic acid an-hydride is a chief component of modern contraceptive jellies, so the Egyptians were onto something which actually worked. Other popular options through time included olive oil, pomegranate pulp, ginger and tobacco juice.

In the 17thcentury, the common condom first made its appearance. Initially made from animal intestine, they were nowhere as effective and popular as modern day latex. Egyptians used condoms made from fabric too, but to avoid insect bites and not for contraception.

The first 'rubber' was developed by Charles Goodyear in the 19th century. The rubber condom was developed shortly after the creation of vulcanized rubber in the 1840's, by a man named Charles Goodyear. Vulcanized means the rubber is subjected to sulfur and heat which turn the rubber into a strong elastic material. By 1930, liquid latex took over and is still used to make condoms. By the 1990's new technology has improved the quality an effectiveness of the condom enabling manufacturers to make them in different sizes, colors and even flavors, and even for women.

The history of oral contraceptives is equally bizarre as the mixtures. Many oral contraceptives contained oils, fruits, grains, and other vegetable matter. Soranus suggested drinking water that blacksmiths use to cool hot metals. Other bizarre oral contraceptives included urine and animal parts along with mercury, arsenic, or strychnine. However the last three substances are actually toxic and would disrupt the woman's reproductive system.

Abortifacients are substances that cause abortion, some effective and some not so effective.Most major abortifacients have side-effects caused as a result of trying to chemically change as basic a mechanism as human reproduction. One of the most effective and safest of abortifacients, silphium, was so popular that it was harvested to extinction in the 1st century.

Herbal contraceptives in folklore were also used, such as Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, known in Ayurveda as a contraceptive. Papaya seeds are rumored to be a male contraceptive.

During the medieval period, Islamic physicians listed many birth control substances in their medical manuscripts. Avicenna listed 20 in The Canon of Medicine (1025) and Muhammad ibn Zakariya ar-Razi listed176 in his Hawi (10th century). Obviously the Western world had yet to catch up with Oriental medicine.

After World War II, the birth control pill was developed in order to control the increase in the world's population. In 1950, American biologist Gregory Pincus developed the first modern oral contraception but it was only in 1960 that the first oral contraception, Enovid-10, was launched in the US market, known to be 'safe and effective,' within two years oral contraception was used by over 1.2 million women and the numbers have been rising ever since.
Intra-uterine Devices

What IUDs do is create a mild infection in the uterus that prevents the fertilization and implantation of eggs. The first intra-uterine devices (which occupied both the vagina and the uterus) were first marketed around 1900. The first modern intra-uterine device (placed entirely in the uterus) was designed in a German publication in 1909. The Gräfenberg ring, the first IUD that was used by a significant number of women, was introduced in 1928.

The most recent addition to the list of contraceptives is female sterilization, which through the process of surgery the Fallopian tubes are blocked or cut. The women still ovulate but the egg never makes it through the Fallopian tubes. Itis the most widely used method of contraception today.

Injections, such as Depo-Provera, contain a hormone like progesterone which prevents the female from releasing an egg from her ovaries and also alters their cervical mucus and the lining of the uterus so as to prevent conception. Injections are considered 99% effective and last for about 3 months. However, despite the advantages, injections have long-lasting effects and fertility only returns after a period of time which may range from six months up to two years.Therefore injections should not be used if pregnancy is desired within 1-2years.

Norplant implants utilize small tubes containing progesterone, which are slowly released to prevent the descent of eggs from the ovaries. If there is no egg than thereis no pregnancy. They also cause changes in the lining of the uterus andcervical mucus. Implants work up to five years after they are removed. Fertility returns immediately on removal of the implants.

Technology has blessed the contraception industry, replacing the mythical stork with methods such as lower estrogen birth control pills; progestin-releasing intra-uterine device; vaginal contraceptive film, Advantage 24 (a bio-adhesive gel), Leah's Shield (combination diaphragm and cervical cap), spermicidal sponge; longer-acting hormonal contraceptives; the female condom; and the emergency contraceptive pill (ECP) (also called the 'morning after' pill); recently the Evra trans-dermal contraceptive patch slowly releases estrogen and progesterone into the body.

Research continues to be done in similar areas of contraceptive injections, pills, nasal sprays and implants for men. However there has been little interest in them, perhaps due to the lackadaisical interest from men.

Saturday 18 February 2012

What Are The Things In Men That Women Hate

Be it a wet towel on the bed or making disparaging comments about your TV habits, your man knows very well how to get on your nerves, isn't it?

But you are not the only one, as there are some standard habits men have that annoy women to the core.

Disparaging comments about our TV habits
OK, so nobody ever claimed that the Sky Living channel was great art, but is a televisual diet of America's Next Top Model and repeats of Grey's Anatomy really so much worse than watching endless sports program-mes?

Yes, it's true that all reality talent shows are almost identical but it could also be argued that a nil-all result in the Premiership doesn't exactly rival Shakespeare for drama.

Women believe that the size of your TV is in inverse proportion to the size of your brain, while their men seem to think that some other screen-size/body part correlation is going on and so opt for the full-on Ode-on surround-sound experience.

The surprisingly wiry 'wireless' home
One mobile phone, one charger-it's all you need. But no, he has wires crawling round the house like vines. Then are the drawers full of old cables that look like nests of vipers. Some of them are for his first Nokia, bought circa 1995.

These phone, camera and computer chargers have joined old keys as things we can no longer throw away for fear that the moment we do so, we'll discover a need to use them.

Selective greenness
We all try to do our bit for the environment, but there seems to be some disagreement about what 'bits' to do. Yes, he's right that cut flowers flown from Kenya are an eco-disgrace-but they are rather lovely.

And yes, clothes can be air-dried, but it's just so much more convenient - and they feel nicer - if you use the tumble dryer.

Leaving pans 'to soak'
Washing up means doing everything-including saucepans. But he always leaves them on the side, or marginally better, he puts some tepid water in them 'to soak', thus divesting him of all responsibility of actually dealing with the burnt-on food that's clinging to them like Araldite.

Culinary grandstanding
Guests coo over his fancy ways with a flavored oil, but the boring rehashing, reheating and pureeing always gets left to me.

Stacks of coins everywhere
There's a stack of money on the chest of drawers and a hillock of tuppenny bits next to the unpaid bills on the sideboard. We know it's because you need to empty your pockets of it since you don't carry a purse, but perhaps it's time to tidy up and get a man-bag.

Saying we've run out of something after it's actually run out
"We're out of cornflakes/sugar/bread" said in an offensively accusatory way, as he empties the last of it onto his plate. Always with the subtitle running below it of: 'Can you go out and buy it, I'm far too busy.' This is closely allied to the habit of putting empty food receptacles back into the cupboard or fridge, especially milk bottles.

Childcare cherry-picking
Doesn't he ever realize that if he stood on the mat after a shower then the bathroom floor wouldn't be permanently pockmarked with puddles?

One of the undoubted advances of the modern world is that fathers are much more hands-on with their children. Sadly, he hasn't realized that looking after children is not just parks, pools and zoos - it's also wiping, washing and cleaning. You can't just pick off the best stuff, leaving us to do the grunge.

Wet towels
Doesn't he ever realize that if he stood on the mat after a shower then the bathroom floor wouldn't be permanently pockmarked with puddles? But then these provide useful watering holes for the towels to marinate in when he doesn't hang them back on the rail. Actually that's not fair, he doesn't always leave the towels on the floor, sometimes he leaves them on the bed. Or, after swimming, to mold and fester in the plastic bag that he's used to carry his kit in.

The pile of stuff at the bottom of the stairs
Even those who live in flats without stairs seem to have a problem with these piles. Those shoes, books and clothes, those empty wine glasses and old magazines, those toys and towels - they're not there for decorative reasons. It's like a conveyor belt for possessions, you see, except that like with all his irritating habits, there's always someone else to sort out the pile for him.

How Many Ways You Know To Say I Love You

Express yourself in a creative fashion.

We tell you how to make your partner feel special

1. Puzzle him/her
Leave clues around the house for him to find. Once he has all the pieces together let him/her piece it together to read - I Love You.

2. Create a photo album with witty one liners
It will put a smile on your face and remind you of all the special moments and memories you have spent together.

3 Let your partner get starry eyed
Use the scraps from Glow-in-the-Dark sticker pages and cut out the words "I LOVE YOU". Stick them over your partner's side of the bed. Every night, when the lights go out your sentiment glows on the ceiling!

4. Serenade your partner
Pick a song that is special to both of you and exercise those vocal chords. You are sure to win brownie point for the gesture, just make sure you practice before you take the stage.

5. Love coupons
Hand over a jar of coupons your partner can redeem through the year. They are sure to appreciate the gesture.

6. Candlelight dinner and dessert
Whether it's the meal on the plate or a kiss on the lips, make sure your partner knows that you are the hottest one on the menu.

7. Cook dinner together
Instead of going to a fancy restaurant for an expensive meal, cook a simple but delicious dinner at home, and enjoy each other's company.

8. Sign up for a ballroom dance class
Try Latin ballroom dancing, brush up your moves and have a blast together on the dance floor.

9. Say it with toast
Prepare a special breakfast for your love one and surprise them with it. If you have an espresso machine try making a heart with froth on the coffee and toast with jam that reads I love you.

10. Deliver lunch
Have a surprise hot lunch delivered to their office, even better if you can deliver it yourself.

11. Say it with a heart-shaped sandwich
Carve a heart-shaped bread and fill it with your partner's favourite fillings. They are sure to appreciate the treat and the gesture.

12. Take off on a trip together
Celebrate being together with a trip to your favourite holiday destinations.

13. Milkyway
Hide a bunch of silly prizes and a card in your lover's favorite cereal.

14. Cut an album
In your own voice, record poetry or a song on a CD for your partner to listen to on the way to work or while he or she is out of town.

15. Say it on the mirror, mirror on the wall
Use that old tube of lipstick to write a good morning greeting on the mirror.

16. The tasting game
Take strawberries, chillies, chocolate, mix different flavours and blindfold your partner. If they guess the right one reward them with a kiss.

17. Go the tech way
Change the screen saver on the computer to a scrolling message. For added effect, use a wingding or character font that can't be read without decoding.

6 Importants Things That Women Notice About Men Right Away

First impressions may be made in moments, but they predict the course your relationships follow. So if you know what exactly about you draws in the votes, you can perfect it -- and do better with the opposite sex. So what do women notice immediately?

1. Physical stature
You knew this already: size matters. Height and weight are right on top of the list of things women notice. "Too much or too little of either immediately classifies the man as unattractive to women, and closes the door before less physically obviously features (such as confidence) can be determined," .

2. Appearances and attractiveness
Yes, beauty is skin deep, but it's going to get women to explore what lies beneath. Attractiveness does include what you were born with, but your genes alone can't scuttle your chances. What really counts is what you do with your hair, clothes, grooming and basic hygiene. If you can't make the effort, women certainly are not going to work hard to learn more about you!

3. Smile
Once women are done assessing your overall build, women will look at your smile. "The ability to smile, particularly within the first few minutes of meeting, sends a welcoming, non-hostile signal to women," says Dr Patzer. There is one proviso though -- the smile must show off reasonably good-looking teeth. It's never too late to fix an appointment with the dentist!

4. Humor
Another reason to show off those pearly whites! Women like men who have the ability to laugh. Even better, make the woman laugh. That instantly nets you bonus points!

5. Confidence
Women find confident men attractive. According to Dr Sameer Malhotra, head of psychiatry and psychotherapy department at Fortis Hospital in New Delhi, within the first few minutes of meeting, women will not only suss out your level of confidence, they will also interpret the vibes you give out and how you think. "Women notice how clear or decisive you are and whether you approach things positively." Just remember, cockiness and arrogance are not the same as confidence!

6. Conversation
Men have successfully given womankind the impression of being strong and silent. So women aren't expecting you to have mad talking skills. All you've got to do hold her attention. "We know (scientifically) that the more or longer that a woman gets to know a man, the more physically attractive he becomes in her mind," . Women are looking for someone to keep up the conversation -- so forget the one-liners, just be yourself!