Tuesday 1 November 2011

Why we need money

Money is every ones dream can't we live with out money is it necessary just because of money there is problem in every ones life.Person who has lots of money still he is running behind it and those who don't have they have to run for money
Even me also running for money . Money is only one thing which can make us happy ?
What i saw in my life if you have enough money in your pocket every one respects you if u are empty then there is nothing for you .
At the last week of month am empty and i know how i am surviving i did master in computer then after am facing such problems , then what about others don't know how others are surviving
with out money can't we buy
(2)Car/bike etc
(3)Dally expense
(4)Other requirements

If we see in 30-40k person can live easily then can purchase every thing and can survive in this world .
Those who are earning more then lakhs in a month what they are doing with the money specially politician those who are doing corruption in Rs thousand Cr in the age of +60 what they will do they are in such a position where they don't have to do such kinds of fucking corruption.

Those who are out of gujarat i whould like to say visit Gujarat and see what is done by Chif Minister N Modi
good work is done by Modi if he is doing any kind of corruption then i don't think he is doing any thing wrong because in return he is giving lots of things security , malls , good roads , BRTS facility etc

1 comment:

Balu Chavan said...

Yes Dear In this world every body want to become rich and richer evry body want to live life kingsize,each and everyone is jealous about each other that is why every one want money and money is buying power in this world,If you have it you can be happy,you can be sad,you can be at various thing.